Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Projects

My daughter asked me to make Halloween "trick-or-treat" bags for her kids,
I had lots of fun making them. I hope they weren't embarrassed to use them.

The big ones were for the girls and the little one is for a boy

They did turn out kind of big-
I hope that they got a lot of candy to put in them!
They are hanging on my neighbor's cute little halloween fence.

I started this FALL QUILT last year and was excited to get it done in time to use this year.

I love the bright colors!

Here it is hanging out on the couch with a scarecrow and pumpkin.

Did I already say that "I love Fall"?


  1. Wow, you've been busy! The trick or treat bags look really fun and cute. I saw them all in hands for trick or treating. Your house looks all festive too. You are so creative and very ambious!

  2. Those are cute Halloween items you made. Too bad I was able to see this just now. But I'm sure it's still good for next year. Anyway, I noticed your front door. It's nice and beautiful too. It reminds me of the project I'll be doing with my husband after the Holiday season. We're thinking of putting steel front doors as I learned that it's more durable and secured compared to wooden ones. Good for investment too.
